Exploring the World of Hands-On Activities: The Magic of Learning

Exploring the World of Hands-On Activities: The Magic of Learning

Hands-on activities are at the heart of our Play-Based School’s philosophy. We firmly believe that children learn best when they can touch, manipulate, and explore the world around them. We use this strategy from early daycare (children as young as 18 months) to preschool and up to kindergarten. Let’s dive into the wonderful world of hands-on activities and discover the countless benefits they offer. (more…)

The Importance of Daily Routine in Early Childhood

The Importance of Daily Routine in Early Childhood

Establishing a daily routine in a child’s life can be a game-changer. It provides structure, consistency, and a sense of security, which are invaluable in their development. When this routine includes attending a play-based school regularly, the benefits are even more profound. Let’s explore why daily routines are crucial at a young age and how attending a play-based school can enhance this journey. (more…)

Unleash Creativity and Learning with Art and Music

Unleash Creativity and Learning with Art and Music

Every child is born with a natural inclination for exploration, creativity, and self-expression. At our Play-Based School here in Pleasanton Hill, California, we harness this innate curiosity through activities like art and music. Let’s delve into the world of play-based learning, the benefits it offers, and some exciting examples of art and music activities. (more…)