
Preschool is a crucial time in a child’s education as it sets the foundation for their academic and social development. Parents in Pleasant Hill, Concord, and Walnut Creek have the option to choose between private and public preschool, and both have their advantages and disadvantages. We are proud of our best-in-class private preschool and would like to showcase some of our advantages.

  • That said, if you’re interested, please contact us for a school tour and more information.

Preschool is an important time in a child’s life as it sets the foundation for their academic and social development. It provides children with opportunities to interact with their peers, explore their creativity, and develop important life skills. Here are some of the advantages for your child and family of enrolling in our best-in-class preschool based in Pleasant Hill, California.

Advantages of Preschool


One of the most significant advantages of our preschool is the communal experience with other children. Preschool provides children with opportunities to interact with their peers, learn from one another, and develop important social skills. They learn to share, take turns, and resolve conflicts, which are essential skills for their future success.

Another advantage of preschool is the quality of the staff. We’re known as one of the top preschools in Pleasant Hill and our staff is the foundational reason for that fact. Indeed, many parents bring their children to us from Concord and Walnut Creek because of our reputation. Licensed preschools typically have trained and qualified teachers who understand child development and can provide a nurturing environment for children. They can help children develop language, communication, and problem-solving skills, and provide guidance on appropriate behavior and emotional regulation.

A private preschool in Pleasant Hill, California, in particular, may offer significant advantages over nominally free public schools in California. Private preschools typically have smaller teacher to student ratios, which allows for more individualized attention and instruction for each child. They may also have more resources, such as better equipment, materials, and facilities, which can enhance the learning experience.

Furthermore, our private preschool offers better hours to accommodate working parents. This allows parents to drop off and pick up their child at a time that works best for them, without disrupting their work schedule.

The foundation of a lifelong love of learning starts early, and preschool is an important part of that foundation. Preschool provides children with opportunities to explore their creativity, develop their language skills, and learn about the world around them. It allows them to develop a curiosity and enthusiasm for learning that can last a lifetime.

Research has shown that children who attend preschool are more likely to succeed academically and socially later in life. They are better prepared for kindergarten and have higher reading and math scores in later grades. They are also more likely to graduate from high school and attend college.

Explore Preschool Options for Your Child & Family


In conclusion, if you’re looking for a best-in-class preschool experience for your child, reach out to us. Our Pleasant Hill campus is convenient not just to Pleasant Hill but to the entire I-680 corridor, including Walnut Creek and Concord.




The language curriculum progresses from oral language activities and pre-reading work to writing and eventually to reading comprehension. Language studies include the development of listening skills, comprehension and vocabulary as well as the ability to express oneself with confidence. The materials for written language introduce the child to the letters of the alphabet and their sounds. The child then goes on to compose words and sentences using the moveable alphabet. All aspects of language development are occurring instantaneously and it is the teacher’s role to observe readiness for each new lesson.  Language studies include:

Oral Preparation:

  • Conversational speech
  • Student Presentations
  • Speaking in front of peers
  • Storytelling
  • Vocabulary enrichment
  • Listening skills and comprehension


  • Listening Skills
  • Creative Stories
  • Reading Fiction, Non-fiction, and Poetry


  • Spelling
  • Capitalization
  • Punctuation
  • Handwriting
    • Manuscript
    • Introduction to cursive


  • Phonics
  • Blends
  • Sight Words
  • Phonogram sounds
  • Reading in context
  • Vocabulary of objects, attributes, and actions
  • Word building skills
  • Introduction of noun identification
  • Introduction of verb identification
  • Compound words
  • Plurals

Children go from a concrete understanding of mathematics to an abstract understanding of mathematics through various mathematical concepts. Through activities that incorporate the use of concrete materials children learn to count and then systematically progress to solving complex addition, subtraction, multiplication and division equations. Children will learn number recognition, sequencing place value, and the exchange of quantities. Math studies include:

Concrete materials to explore place value:

  • Units
  • Tens
  • Hundreds
  • Thousands

Concrete materials to perform operations:

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Written numerals 1-1000
  • Skip counting
  • Fractions
  • Measurement
  • Money
  • Time

Geometric plane figures:

  • Circles
  • Squares and rectangles
  • Triangle
  • Quadrilaterals
  • Polygons
  • Curved figures
  • Study of geometric solids
Practical Life

The Practical Life Curriculum increases a child’s concentration, coordination, fine and gross motor skills, sense of order, building the process of finishing an assignment. These experiences lead to the development of independence and foster relationships with others.The activities build a child’s concentration as well as prepare the child for writing and language.

Respect and care of environment

  • Indoor and outdoor
  • Recycling

Grace, courtesy, and etiquette

  • Caring about others
  • Problem solving
  • Conflict resolution


  • Care of person
  • Health and safety
  • Nutrition and food preparation

Community Service

  • Developing an awareness of needs of others
  • Participating in several service projects throughout the school year
Sensorial Life

Sensorial materials are used to develop the child’s five senses. They allow the children the opportunity to sort things by size, shape, color, touch, sound, temperature, and weight. For example they can grade materials from dark to light and from large to small. The materials are self- correcting, promoting independence in the child’s work. Montessori sensorial apparatus teaches children to classify their sensorial impressions in an organized, orderly, and scientific manner through:

Auditory learning

  • Different Sounds

Visual learning

  • Color
  • Size
  • Shape
  • Gradation
  • Identification
  • Comparison

Tactile learning

  • Texture
  • Weight
  • Temperature
Visual Arts

Our students are encouraged to explore the many art materials available at all times in the classroom: tempera paints, watercolors, pencils, crayons, chalk, found materials from walks in the park. Our students learn other art forms as well, such as weaving, collage, and papier-mâché. They study the work of various artists and different elements of art such as shape, color, and texture.


The Science materials present certain aspects of this world, in such a way that the child can observe, experiment, demonstrate, and record what they learn. Science is hands-on activities that include Life Science, Earth Science,and Physical Science. In science the children’s natural curiosity is inspired through discovery projects and experiments, helping the children draw their own conclusions. The plant and animal kingdoms are studied in an orderly fashion to foster a love and appreciation for all living things. Science studies and materials enable the child to observe, explore and perform experiments in all or more areas of:


  • Vertebrate and invertebrate classification, characteristics, and internal/external parts
  • Animal kingdom


  • Parts of plant – advanced
  • Experiments
  • Botany charts
  • Plant kingdom
  • Vegetable and flower gardening


  • Parts of the body
  • Systems of the body

Physical Science:

  • Experiments relative to the formation of the universe and earth
  • State of matter
  • Gravity
  • Temperature
  • Density
  • Chemical reactions
  • Properties of water
  • Magnetism

Earth Science:

  • Water properties
  • Weather/seasons
  • Oceans
  • Rocks

Scientific Reasoning and Technology

  • Observation skills
  • Science Experiments
Second Language: Spanish

The Spanish curriculum uses a combination of speaking, singing, listening, and writing activities. Learning a foreign language is an enjoyable experience for our children. Children acquire:

  • Numbers
  • Colors
  • Calendar (days, months, seasons)
  • Animals
  • Parts of the body
  • Spanish songs
  • Questions and answers in Spanish
Cultural Studies: History and Geography

The classroom integrates cultural studies through literature, activities, and materials. The goal is acquiring an understanding of the world’s other cultures and what they offer. This includes studies of the world and other cultures through photographs, molds, globes, flags and puzzles. Montessori children achieve early understanding of the concepts of:

  • Globe as Earth’s shape
  • Continents/countries
  • U.S. states
  • Flag study
  • State research
  • Land and water forms
  • Map-making skills
  • Oceans
  • Festivals around the world

Whether it is sung, played, or danced to, music streams through our curriculum.The music curriculum also offers significant opportunities to build stage confidence through our numerous performances throughout the school year such as the Winter, Spring, and International Concerts.

Movement Arts

The program, at each level, is responsive to the needs and interests of the children, and the ultimate goal is the joyful discovery of movement and its benefits, both physical and psychological. The children explore their imagination, spatial awareness, musicality and rhythm, movement quality, energy, as well as are a great source of physical activity. Children develop skills in:

  • Understanding different loco motor movements: running, hopping, leaping, skipping, jumping
  • Continuing development of gross motor skills
  • Increasing strength, coordination, and flexibility
  • Building confidence working in groups and as an individual